St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 recognizes an individual’s right to peacefully organize for the purpose of expressing opinions. 立法会议员. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 community are free to express opinions publicly and privately, but in an orderly and respectful manner that does not disrupt the operation of the institution. 

St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 reserves the right to revoke the campus privilege(s) including residency in or utilization of any of its buildings, 或者在它的基础上, 或者任何居住者的行为, 完全是大学的意见, becomes injurious or potentially injurious to the academic community. St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 is private property, for use by students, faculty and staff. 立法会议员. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 hosting guests and/or visitors assume responsibility for the conduct of their guest(s)/visitor(s).

这些规定适用于任何学生, 教员, 工作人员, 或访客(包括但不限于, invitees and licenses) in or on property owned or rented by the University.  

Unacceptable behavior/practices on the campus and properties of St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学包括但不限于:
  • 任何形式的骚扰(包括性别骚扰)
  • 任何形式的歧视(包括性别歧视)
  • 暴力侵害任何社区成员或客人
  • 偷窃或毁坏大学或个人财产
  • 干扰学术自由和言论自由
  • 干涉个人和平集会的权利
  • unauthorized occupation of any University facility, office or building (i.e., remaining in any building or facility after it is closed without authorization or entering any private office of an administrative officer, member of the faculty or 工作人员 without implied or explicit permission)
  • 任何与偏见有关的活动,包括仇恨犯罪
  • 猥亵、不雅或淫秽的行为或行为
  • obstruction of access to offices, buildings, or other University facilities (entry or exit points)
  • interference with the freedom of movement of any member of the University community or guest, including the obstruction of free movement of vehicles and/or vehicular traffic
  • any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers mental or physical health, 造成身体或身体伤害的, or involves the forced consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with any organization
  • overnight demonstrations, encampments, or any fixtures to the university landscape
  • 未经授权的海报, 传单, 横幅, 数字显示, 用粉笔写, 其他户外标志, 或任何其他根据大学政策禁止的广告
  • any action that jeopardizes the safety of any member of the academic community, guest, or visitor

  • 公众示范报名 
    St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 does not condone, nor does it forbid, public demonstration. Members of the University community who choose to peacefully demonstrate must register as a scheduled campus activity through the Office of University 事件 and be approved by the Vice President for Student Affairs, 在与总统内阁协商后, 不少于活动前48小时(两个工作日). A recognized student organization or University faculty/工作人员 must sponsor any/all campus events. Said student organization or faculty/工作人员 assumes all responsibility for the scheduled event. 

    全球网赌十大网站 community are expected to comply with the reasonable directives of any authorized University official (i.e., producing a University ID when asked), including but not limited to University 安全 & 保安人员. 任何时候都不得使用扩声设备, 在任何地方, or in such a manner so as to disrupt the University’s functions of teaching, 公共服务或行政管理, 或者在学生宿舍学习和睡觉, 或其他经授权的预定活动. Campus demonstrations are limited to the outdoors and may include members of the University community exclusively. Demonstrations may not be conducted within 100 yards of the University Chapel, 方济会修道院或学生健康中心. 

    Demonstration participants should expect university personnel, including 安全 & 安全人员在整个或部分活动中在场. This presence ensures organizers’ rights are protected and the University’s regular operations and activities are not interrupted. St. Bonaventure employees present at the event in this capacity do not necessarily support or represent the content of the expression provided at the demonstration.

    在任何示威结束时, organizers are expected to make a reasonable effort to return the grounds or area to its original condition. 这包括妥善处理所有垃圾. Any unanticipated or accidental property damage should be reported to the Office of 安全 & 保安立即. Any property damage resulting from a demonstration—whether peaceful or disruptive—may lead to the assessment of fees for cleaning, 维修, 或者财产的置换, which may be charged to the responsible organization or individuals involved.

    St. Bonaventure大学也不允许, 也不禁止, off-campus demonstrations by members of the University community. Students as participants in local community affairs, as residents of, or visitors to, Allegany, N.Y.奥利安,N.Y., 或者其他城市, 学院或大学, 是否期望遵守当地规定, 州和联邦法律和条例. The University will act in situations wherein a specific act off campus endangers the welfare of the University and/or wherein members of the University community are harmed as a result of student conduct off campus.

    Any individual who is found to have violated these rules may be subject to immediate ejection from University property. 此外,圣. Bonaventure community who is found to have violated these rules may be subject to suspension, 驱逐, 或其他适当的纪律处分.  Any organization which is found to have authorized any violations of these rules may be subject to the rescission of the organization’s permission to operate on the St. Bonaventure校园或任何大学财产.  These penalties are in addition to any criminal or civil penalty pursuant to any penal or other law to which the violator or organization may be subject.